are you a christian woman in a painful marriage?

are you a christian woman in a painful marriage?

Get the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, recommended by therapists. That chapter will help you figure out what’s going on in your marriage

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could your marriage be emotionally abusive?

Do you walk on eggshells and question your sanity? Are conflicts unresolvable and simply swept under the rug over and over again?

Have you read a stack of Christian marriage books, sought counsel from church, and tried harder to be a good wife—but nothing seems to work?

It’s possible your confusing and painful marriage is a result of a deeper issue. One that isn’t in your control at all. Watch this video to learn about ten emotional abuse tactics commonly found in an emotionally abusive marriage.

If these are things you’re experiencing in your Christian marriage, please know that you aren’t alone, and there is help. Not for the marriage, but for a precious human being. (Look in the mirror. See her? Let’s get her some support.)



The Flying Free podcast offers a Christ-centered perspective on emotional and spiritual abuse that honors, protects, and empowers women to be who God created them to be.




Learn what emotional and spiritual abuse look like in a marriage and what you can do to protect yourself, heal, and recover from their traumatic impact in your life.


the kaleidoscope

A lifeline of education, coaching, and support for Christian women experiencing emotional and spiritual abuse in their marriages.

lets chat

hi i’m natalie, it’s so nice to meet you

I’m an author, educator, podcast host, and passionate advocate for Christian women in abusive homes and churches. My mission is to empower women to discover and use their God-given voices, gifts, and freedom to make healthy choices for their spiritual, emotional, and physical well being. I believe this is how we change the world. One beautiful butterfly at a time.

showing the love

i want christian women to find hope and healing, so i wrote these books just for you: