What’s Wrong With My Christian Marriage?

What’s Wrong With My Christian Marriage?

You’re here because you’ve read all the marriage books, gone to counseling, bent over backwards to try to please your husband, and still, your marriage is coming up empty and running on fumes.

You’ve tried having all the conversations. You’ve explained everything in 5498 ways to try to make a connection. You just want to be seen and heard, but instead you are blamed and shamed for things you’ve never thought or done.

I wrote the book you haven’t read yet. But it’s the one book you’ve been looking for all these years. Because I wrote a book that will help you diagnose exactly what is going on in your marriage.

Articles To Help You Get Started

emotional abuse

Emotional Abuse: When Your Husband Doesn’t Take Responsibility for His Behavior

figure it out

How Do I Figure Out What is Wrong in My Christian Marriage?

crazy in the head

Why Your Marriage Makes You Feel Crazy in the Head

Podcast Episodes You Can Relate To

can’t be perfect

I Can’t Be Perfect Enough for My Husband


The Beliefs That Keep Christian Women Stuck in Abusive Marriages

waking up

Waking Up to Emotional Abuse so You Can Focus on Healing

Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage

A Christian woman’s guide to hidden emotional and spiritual abuse.

One out of three married women sitting in an average conservative Christian church is in a confusing and painful marriage. If this sounds like you, join me on a journey of discovery that will change your life. We’ll look at exactly what is going on in your marriage (no more confusion!) and what a normal marriage looks like.

Available in Paperback, Audible and Kindle Formats

instant access to the first chapter

Sign up to get new articles and podcast episodes sent directly to your email inbox. I will also send you a free PDF copy of the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage as well as the first chapter of the brand new companion workbook. It’s like a super-charged therapy session!

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reviews by readers

companion workbook:

This workbook is not a sweet, fluffy piece of candy that melts in your mouth and slips down your throat with a sigh of pleasure.Instead, it’s more like a surgical scalpel that will cut deep to the core of who you are and what you’ve experienced, and it’s going to hurt like crazy.

But it will bring you deep healing and hope for a better future, and there are warm blankets of comfort laid out for you here and there along the way. You are going to take the manure the enemy put into your life, and you’re going to make fertilizer. Fertilizer that will nourish the soil of your future and feed your new life.

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”—Isaiah 43:19