Category: Grieving

What a Car Accident Taught Me About Pain

What a Car Accident Taught Me About Pain [Episode 304]

In this personal and anecdotal episode, I reflect on a recent car accident that changed my perspective on pain, resilience, and staying present. Drawing from my own experience of navigating physical injury, emotional turmoil, and life’s unexpected disruptions, I want to share some valuable lessons on accepting pain and choosing who we want to be in the midst of it.

When you are lonely and sad in your Christian marriage

When You Are Lonely and Sad in Your Christian Marriage [Episode 257]

“I’m really struggling with feeling extremely lonely. How did you deal with this in a healthy way?

“How do you cope with loneliness? A shattered, broken heart?”

“We don’t speak to each other at all most of the time, so I just get really lonely for human fellowship and interaction.”

“I’m feeling really isolated. I just feel sad and alone.”

“I need help dealing with how lonely I feel all the time.”

Do these expressions of loneliness feel familiar to you? Then today’s episode is for you.

Dealing with Grief When Waking up to Emotional Abuse

Dealing With Grief When Waking up to Emotional Abuse [Episode 232]

In today’s episode, we are going to be talking about the deep sadness that survivors experience as they begin to wake up to their reality and see the truth about their relationship. I get it — I was there. It took me a while to truly wake up to my reality, and when I did, that reality hit me like a ton of bricks. It was painful.

Let’s talk about noticing and normalizing our pain so that we can move from grief a bit more quickly than if we just stuffed it down, ignoring it and drowning it out. We all have pain — the question is, how are you going to deal with yours?

Celebrating the Holidays When Life Is Blowing Up - Part Two

Celebrating the Holidays When Life Is Blowing Up – Part Two [Episode 202]

The holiday season can be a very emotional time. While it’s festive and fun for many people, this time of the year isn’t necessarily a happy or carefree period for everyone. Last week, we answered some questions posed by our Flying Free community about how to get through the holidays when life feels like it’s falling apart. In fact, we received so many questions from the women in our program that we decided to make this into a two-part series. Tuning in today, you’ll receive some heartfelt advice for moving past holiday guilt and shame, standing your sacred ground despite nasty comments, navigating gift-giving in a way that aligns with your core values, and more. We also offer you some valuable tools and strategies, including questions to ask yourself to help you shift your thinking and show up with love and joy in the present moment. Join us for more tips about creating a space of peace amidst the chaos!

Celebrating the Holidays When Life Is Blowing Up - Part One

Celebrating the Holidays When Life Is Blowing Up – Part One [Episode 201]

The holiday season can be bittersweet, imbued with magic and pain in equal parts. For many people, it can be a very emotional time, with all the Christmassy sounds and smells unearthing memories from the depths of their childhoods. It’s important to be kind to ourselves during this time, and in this episode, we’re tackling some of the questions posed by our Flying Free community in order to equip you to make the most of the holidays! Tune in for advice on how to honor healing and pain while making space for joy, how to prepare your kids for new traditions amidst the changes in their lives, and how to remain unaffected by others’ bad humor, as well as how to manage loneliness, and more. If you’re at a loss about how to keep the Christmas spirit going for you and your family, we also share some examples of fun new Christmas traditions for you to try out. We hope you’ll join us today!

Why Being Rejected by Your Church and Family Hurts So Bad

Why Being Rejected by Your Church and Family Hurts So Bad [Episode 186]

“I don’t think I’ll ever heal from this,” she said. “You expect harm from people who only harm you. From him. Not the ones who know you, who grew up with you, who you went to church with.”

Do you know the pain of rejection by your family, friends, and church? I do. I’ve lost entire nights of sleep swimming in that pain. It’s mind-numbing. Excruciating.

A listener told me that after being rejected by her church and family, she felt like she was standing on an alien ship watching her home planet being blown up. Then she asked the questions you might be wondering too:

How do we survive such great loss? Is there any healing for grief that goes deeper than your bones? Hurts that nearly fracture your body?

Yes, dear one. But the truth is that as painful as the facts are, your hurt is increased 100 fold by the story you’re telling yourself about it. And the meaning you’re giving that story.

From one heart-weary woman to another, here’s the scoop on the most important story of your life..and the secret to changing it.

Because rejection hasn’t ended the good of your story. Not by a long shot.
