Are You In Charge of Making Everyone Else Happy All the Time?
Part of growing up into your full stature of healthy emotional adulthood involves this important work of setting boundaries.
Part of growing up into your full stature of healthy emotional adulthood involves this important work of setting boundaries.
When modern day Pharisees demand submission of half the human race rather than lifting up Christ’s Way of living in submission to one another, they continue the humanistic culture of power-over. It’s easy to do. Rules that control part of the human race make things simple. Walking by faith in the living, breathing Spirit of Christ and respecting the boundaries of other human lives is more complex and requires maturity, discernment, and a vibrant walk with Jesus. It’s not so black and white.
Are you a card-carrying member of the People-Pleaser’s Club? Here’s how and why the skill of saying “no” can set you free.
Self-denial sounds so unselfish, but is it? Learn how self-denial can be self-preserving and destroy healthy relationships.
Have you ever felt like you never really grew up? Find out the two mind shifts you need to experience in order to grow up into emotional adulthood.
Hear Becky’s story of overcoming abuse that started in childhood and continued in marriage. This is a crawling to flying story you don’t want to miss.
Get the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, recommended by therapists. That chapter will help you figure out what’s going on in your marriage.