Three Things I’d Do Differently When Leaving My Emotionally Abusive Marriage
Thinking of leaving your emotionally abusive relationship? I left mine several years ago. Here are three things I would do differently.
Thinking of leaving your emotionally abusive relationship? I left mine several years ago. Here are three things I would do differently.
I recently read World Magazine’s Hidden Violence story, and I knew I
WE ARE IN A SPIRITUAL BATTLE, PEOPLE. As long as either man or woman is standing around quibbling about who gets to be the leader and who gets to follow, they will LOSE. They are the immature LOSERS. Not the Christ-empowered victors.
Learn what covert emotional domestic abuse is, how it dehumanizes women and children, who participates in its propagation, why it is rampant in certain religious circles, what the cultural consequences are, and what we can and must do to expose and stop it.
I propose we burn the terms “complementarian” and “egalitarian” and replace them with something simpler and more self-explanatory. Here’s why.
An analogy of emotional abuse encouraged and condoned by the church.
Get the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, recommended by therapists. That chapter will help you figure out what’s going on in your marriage.