Tag: abuse tactics

Can Christians be Narcissists?

Can Christians Be Narcissists? [Episode 67]

Natalie interviews Pastor Dave Orrison about how legalism breeds narcissism and vice versa. If you’ve been part of a religious organization that powers over and lays heavy burdens on its constituents, then you’ve experienced this pathological combination and the spiritual and emotional trauma it causes.

How Fake Christianity (False Piety) Destroys People's Lives

How Fake Christianity (False Piety) Destroys People’s Lives

False piety is the voice of the enemy (I Peter 5:8). The accuser (Rev. 12:10). The liar (John 8:44). It’s anti-Christ (John 2:18). It’s darkness disguised as an angel of light (II Cor. 11:14). It’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing (Matt. 7:15). Because it does its dirty work in disguise, it gets away with all kinds of mischief. It counts on us being too naive to recognize it or too unsure or “nice” to call it out for what it is. But that’s exactly what we’re going to do today.
