Tag: Boundaries

What I Would Preach to the Modern Day Preachers (if they would listen...)

What I Would Preach to the Modern Day Preachers (if they would listen…) [Episode 131]

Have you ever talked to people who weren’t there? Imagined conversations in your head? Perfected your argument while showering or lying in bed?

I did that…and made it into a podcast.

But this conversation isn’t with just one person. It’s with tens of thousands of people. Pastors.

Because the survivor community knows the price of patriarchy in the church. We know the cost of being controlled. We know the damage of being devalued. And pastors NEED to KNOW this too.

My Three Biggest Mistakes When Getting Away From Emotional Abuse Part Two

My Three Biggest Mistakes When Getting Away From Emotional Abuse Part Two [Episode 127]

If it’s true that we learn from our mistakes, then I know a whole heck of a lot.

This episode, Part 2 of 2, is about the mistakes I made in church — the three main ways I lit myself on fire, with the encouragement of church leaders. All while trying to escape the inferno of an abusive marriage.

Confused? Horrified? Thirsty?

Then tune in. Cause it’s tea time, and I’m pouring.

How Pretending and Fear Keep You Stuck in Abuse Cycles (and What Sets You Free)

How Pretending and Fear Keep You Stuck in Abuse Cycles (and What Sets You Free) [Episode 125]

Abusers are terrified. They mask their fear with rage, manipulation, false piety, and good ole-fashioned bullying.

If they’re actually weak, scared babies, how are they so powerful and unchecked in churches (and in marriages)?

Because you’re afraid too. And you’re also really good at pretending. All while being destroyed.

It doesn’t have to be this way anymore, and I can show you how…to fly free.
