Trusting God While Making Your Own Adult Choices in Your Controlling Marriage [Episode 83]
When you’re in a spiritually abusive environment, you might worry that God will be displeased if you make a wrong move. Let’s dispel that myth.
When you’re in a spiritually abusive environment, you might worry that God will be displeased if you make a wrong move. Let’s dispel that myth.
Why do Christian women tend to be people pleasers? And how can they recover from the exhaustion and frustration of having to make everyone happy all the time?
What is the power of a woman in a world that tries to grind her down? We are the pioneers led by our Creator to forge into new territory, taking back our life force so we can offer it fully to God’s purposes as He intended.
Sara’s music had such a profound impact on my life during the entire process of my separation and divorce. Where do I begin? How about the very first time I heard her music. I was newly separated and laying in bed alone, and this is what happened…
Women who experience emotional and spiritual abuse also deal with profound betrayal by so many people. How can they learn to trust again?
Are you a card-carrying member of the People-Pleaser’s Club? Here’s how and why the skill of saying “no” can set you free.
Get the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, recommended by therapists. That chapter will help you figure out what’s going on in your marriage.