Category: Rebuilding

What the Healing Journey Looks Like

What the Healing Journey Looks Like [Episode 277]

We talk about the abuse so much, we sometimes forget about the actual healing process. That’s why I’ve invited my long-time friend and seasoned guest Bob Hamp back on the Flying Free Podcast. Bob knows how painful and necessary the healing journey is, and he has some incredible golden nuggets of wisdom to share today that you do not want to miss.

What if My Husband Removed My Access to Money, a Phone, and More?

What if My Husband Removed My Access to Money, a Phone, and More? [Episode 253]

One of the biggest hurdles to getting out of an abusive relationship is money. Today I’m answering two listener questions related to this issue.

“Do I need to submit to having my credit and debit cards taken away and no access to money?”

“How do I launch myself financially after having no experience with money?”

These are very common questions emotional abuse survivors have, and I want to answer them in today’s episode.

What an Emotional Abuse Survivor Needs

What an Emotional Abuse Survivor Needs [Episode 243]

How do we help other women who are in emotionally abusive marriages? And how can the church help these women as well?

In today’s episode, I’ll be answering a listener question about this very topic, and then I’m going to read you a letter I wrote to the church leadership at the church I was ultimately excommunicated from.

This letter highlights sixteen ways that the church can reach out and support the emotionally abused woman instead of re-abusing her, which is all too common.

How Cognitive Dissonance Can Be a Sign of Healthy Growth

How Cognitive Dissonance Can Be a Sign of Healthy Growth [Episode 231]

Cognitive dissonance seems like it would be a “bad” thing, right? It can actually be a very good thing, and vital to our growth! Take a deep breath – it’s okay if you’re experiencing cognitive dissonance.

In this episode, I break down what cognitive dissonance really is, why women in emotionally abusive marriages may experience a lot of cognitive dissonance, how cognitive dissonance can help us create better, healthier thoughts, and I also share three fun illustrations of cognitive dissonance for all you listeners who love a good word picture. Ready? Let’s dive in.

Do Christian Women Ever Get Out of Their Abusive Marriage and Thrive?

Do Christian Women Ever Get Out of Their Abusive Marriage and Thrive? [Episode 229]

Let’s get practical today. In this episode, I answer four listener questions by directing you to the best resources I can offer from the Flying Free Podcast. These questions range from “At what point do you refuse to have sex with your husband if he is emotionally abusive?” to “Any recommendations or resources as I go into divorce court?”

After you listen to the episode, be sure to go down to the “Related Resources” section of the show notes to grab all the links to the podcast episodes that are recommended. They are absolute gems!

How Understanding Your Personality Can Help You Get Unstuck in Your Life Part Two: Interview with Stacey Wynn on the Enneagram

How Understanding Your Personality Can Help You Get Unstuck in Your Life Part Two: Interview with Stacey Wynn on the Enneagram [Episode 227]

Last week we explored the Myers-Briggs personality typology, and today we have a special guest, Stacey Wynn, talking with us about another personality typology: the Enneagram. Not only will the Enneagram inform you about who you are as a person and what motivates you, but it will also help point you toward where you can grow and develop.

No matter what you’ve heard about the Enneagram in the past, come along for an authentic conversation about the history of the Enneagram, its benefits, and how it can help you heal after abuse.
