Category: Rebuilding

The One About God and Religion and Hell

The One About God and Religion and Hell [Episode 163]

This may be controversial for some of my audience. Twenty years ago, I may have unsubscribed, not understanding what this was actually about.

What IS this about? It’s about Who God is. It’s about representing Him well. That’s what Jesus did, and that is our calling, as Christians.

This is about the way we view God and how our view impacts the way we live our lives. We either honor the truth about God’s character or we tell a lie about God’s character.

This is about a lie I used to believe about God.

I don’t have the answers. That’s what makes me different from who I was twenty years ago. Back then, I knew everything. And I told everyone so they could also know everything. And I judged everyone who didn’t know everything. Like I did.

Twenty years later I definitely do NOT know everything. I believe a couple of simple, life-changing things about God, and I run everything through the grid of that simple faith.

And it brings love and peace and joy into my life, and that hopefully touches the lives of those around me.

Ten Thoughts Confident Women Think When Their Husbands Act Like Jerks

Ten Thoughts Confident Women Think When Their Husbands Act Like Jerks [Episode 159]

It’s a beautiful sight, isn’t it?

A grown man throwing a tantrum. Stomping around, calling you names, slamming doors.

Hits you right in the feels, eh?

Or maybe he’s the quiet type of mean. Stonewalling. Sleeping for days. Leaving for hours without warning.

However a husband’s jerky behavior manifests, most Christian wives are taught to respond the same ways:

Assume you’re the problem. Feel shame.
Assume you have to endure his behavior. Feel despair.
Assume you have to make his life work. Feel resentment.

For all these common feelings, I’ve got some uncommon alternatives. And they WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Which is a lot more attractive than a grown man acting like a two-year-old.

Managing the Holiday Blues

Managing the Holiday Blues [Episode 148]

As the year ends, the darkness grows. Minute by minute.

Just before Christmas is the longest night of the year.

The holidays are celebrations of love and generosity and joy.

But they’re also bleak and painful to many — like women going through separation and divorce.

So how do you cling to the hope of coming light in your blackest hours?

How do you live with the dark as you wait for the dawn?

Here’s my story and what I’ve learned.

Doing Deep Internal Healing Through Spiritual Process Groups

Doing Deep Internal Healing Through Spiritual Process Groups [Episode 144]

“I’ll never heal.”

Has that thought ever crossed your mind?

There’s too much pain. Too much trauma stored in your body. Too many horrible memories trapped in your mind. It’s an ocean to cross, and you’re just treading water.

You need deep internal healing.

In this episode, learn how to plunge into the depths of your most profound anguish productively and safely.

Three False Beliefs My Abusive Relationship Gave to Me

Three False Beliefs My Abusive Relationship Gave to Me [Episode 143]

Imagine carrying around a backpack full of books from high school.

You aren’t taking those classes anymore, but you always carry the weight anyway.

It digs into your shoulders. It makes you tired. Slows you down. Doesn’t let you truly rest. It keeps others from getting close.

Abuse is like that. It teaches us a lot—lessons no one should ever learn. And lessons we don’t even realize we’re still living out.

So we may escape abusive relationships, but we’re stuck in limbo, carrying the textbooks we think hold the truth about life, love, and ourselves.

Listen to this episode to learn how to be truly free from your past.

Four Barriers That Keep Women From Leaving Abusive Relationships

Four Barriers That Keep Women From Leaving Abusive Relationships [Episode 142]

Lydia left her abusive husband.
Then she came back.

She found the guts to leave him again.
And returned another time.

In the end, it took SEVEN times for her to get free.

If you’ve been there or if you’re wondering whether you’ll ever get out too, she’s laying it all on the table in this episode.

The BEST PART? She’s thriving. And she’s no longer ashamed of her past.
Learn more about Lydia’s story in this episode and how you can thrive as well.
