My Abusive Husband Says I’m Unbiblical Unless I Reconcile with Him [Episode 195]
“Unless you forgive and come back to me, you’re disobeying God and the Bible!”
If I were your abusive husband, I’d say the same thing. Why? Cause then I’d get what I want. Woohoo! Isn’t that what the Bible is all about?
Oh, begging your pardon. I was basing my opinion off how I see most church leaders and many legalistic Christians approach the Bible.
Which means that if you’re looking for advice on whether you should reconcile with your abusive husband — and what reconciliation really means — you’re going to get a whole charcuterie board of different answers. From biased people. Trying to interpret text that doesn’t give a full answer on… basically anything.
Consider this alternative: Ask a different question and provide your own answer.
Sound heretical? Then keep reading (and listening).