When the Queen Gets Rejected (A Story to Help You See Who You Really Are!)
Feelings of worthlessness come from the stories others have told us about ourselves over the years. Here’s a different story.
Feelings of worthlessness come from the stories others have told us about ourselves over the years. Here’s a different story.
What is the number one thing that makes a relationship great? I’m going to tell you, and I’ll also give you ten reasons WHY this one thing trumps everything else. Without this key ingredient, a relationship is unhealthy and even destructive.
What is a fool? How does the Bible define a fool? And what is a woman of faith to do when she realizes she is married to one? Join Rachel and Natalie as they talk about how to deal with the fools in your life.
Emotional abuse survivors often face spiritual abuse in their churches when they go forward to get help. Why is this? And what can women who have suffered this secondary abuse do to recover and heal? Natalie interviews pastor Jimmy Hinton for some insight into this tragic problem.
In this episode, Rachel and I discuss the suffering wife. Is suffering one of God’s purposes in marriage? And does an emotionally and spiritually abusive marriage reflect the relationship between Christ and His bride, the Church? (A transcript is available for those who would prefer to read rather than listen.)
In this episode, we visit with Rebecca Farris, mother, wife, and company CEO about misogyny in the church and how demeaning attitudes toward women perpetuate abuse at church and in the home.
Get the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, recommended by therapists. That chapter will help you figure out what’s going on in your marriage.