When God and the Bible are Weaponized Against Christian Women [Episode 80]
There is a connection between spiritual and emotional abuse when churches use God and the Bible to power over and control Christian women.
There is a connection between spiritual and emotional abuse when churches use God and the Bible to power over and control Christian women.
When modern day Pharisees demand submission of half the human race rather than lifting up Christ’s Way of living in submission to one another, they continue the humanistic culture of power-over. It’s easy to do. Rules that control part of the human race make things simple. Walking by faith in the living, breathing Spirit of Christ and respecting the boundaries of other human lives is more complex and requires maturity, discernment, and a vibrant walk with Jesus. It’s not so black and white.
Author, speaker, and counselor, Bob Hamp, dives deep into the ways religion kills people. This is a fascinating interview about good, evil, and the connection that sets us free from both.
An abuse survivor sees herself mirrored in the eyes of other people. What she sees is a distortion of who she is because other people don’t really know who she is all the time. To heal, she will need to see herself through a new lens.
What does the Bible mean when it tells Christian wives to “submit” to their husbands? Was this kind of submission only for that culture? Is this a free ticket for men to take power over their wives? What is submission, anyway?
We believe a lie if we think that a married woman’s husband is the equivalent of God to her. Worshiping a man is not spiritual or healthy.
Get the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, recommended by therapists. That chapter will help you figure out what’s going on in your marriage.