Have you ever dealt with a Bible counselor who just doesn’t get it? Or maybe an elder from your church? Or have you ever been excommunicated from your church? Sister, I’ve been through all of the above, and I write about bits and pieces of it in my newest book, All the Scary Little Gods.
In today’s episode, I’m going to read three chapters from my book, and they all have to do with the different counselors and elders I dealt with during my emotionally abusive marriage. Grab your favorite beverage, and let me bring you into my world as we explore what can happen when you get Bible counseling for your abusive marriage.
The Comments
Susan Perricone
I am so sorry you had to go through all that pain with someone who should have been your soul mate and life partner and then suffer though the ignorant advice that was supposed to help you.
More podcasts like this are so much needed to shed light on the rotten fruit resulting from patriarchy and complementarian teachings that present a male hierarchy as God’s design. It puts so much emphasis on the outward, creates an atmosphere of fear and blindly following what others say is the will of God and bypasses the love and mercy and individual seeking God and continues abuse from those who have been allowed to continue their abuse because the woman is to “submit, obey and above all “be silent”.
And I love the title –“All the Scary Little Gods” as it sure hits the nail on the head of the “hierarchy” we allow in our lives in order to be godly and biblical—…it is usually a one way street—we submit to those who have made themselves to be in ministry.
I have found all these little gods have no limit on how they see us who try to follow God and learn more of him. They have their strict and unbending “commands” of God that turn into rude judgement towards the ones who have needed help and mercy.
Case in point as to how vicious the results of those who think we are not following ” bible commands” —
There is a woman who is a highly respected teacher of women in the southern baptist church. She believes that women should not preach/pastor or teach men and she expresses very harsh words towards women who do as in they need to check if they are saved and need to repent. She influences many women.
In a youtube video titled she discussed if women should attend seminary. She allowed that woman could attend seminary but could not take classes that are for pastors/preachers.
But here is the egregious part. She stated that any women taking classes meant for pastors/preachers even though she may never pastor or preach was just like someone learning how to do abortions even though they may never do them.
Basically she called women who want to learn more of God and service to Him ACCOMPLICES TO MURDER !!!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!
Then she called seminaries who allow women to take those classes sinners in need of repentance.
This story is just a sample of how pat/comp teachings have allowed some christians to become “little gods” that one cannot question or challenge without being accused of rebellion or even not being saved.