Love, But Don’t Let Yourself Be Manipulated
A reader asks, “I want to be loving and gentle. But how do you do that and yet also not let yourself be manipulated or taken advantage of?”
Let’s talk about that.
A reader asks, “I want to be loving and gentle. But how do you do that and yet also not let yourself be manipulated or taken advantage of?”
Let’s talk about that.
Does your relationship confuse you? Do you feel stuck? I’ll show you how clarity is there for the taking, and it’s inside your very own brain.
When I was living in the thick of emotional abuse, I just wanted to be rescued. Where was my rescuer? Why didn’t God rescue me? Why didn’t someone get me out? After twenty years I discovered who was appointed to rescue me.
We believe a lie if we think that a married woman’s husband is the equivalent of God to her. Worshiping a man is not spiritual or healthy.
It takes strong love to leave an abuser. Strong love for yourself – the only person on this earth God has given you full responsibility for – and strong love for your abusive partner who wants to live life without ever confronting and slaying the monster inside.
Self-denial sounds so unselfish, but is it? Learn how self-denial can be self-preserving and destroy healthy relationships.
Get the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, recommended by therapists. That chapter will help you figure out what’s going on in your marriage.