Is Your Christian Marriage Confusing and Painful?
is your christian marriage confusing and painful? Meet Julie She wondered if
is your christian marriage confusing and painful? Meet Julie She wondered if
I recently read World Magazine’s Hidden Violence story, and I knew I
WE ARE IN A SPIRITUAL BATTLE, PEOPLE. As long as either man or woman is standing around quibbling about who gets to be the leader and who gets to follow, they will LOSE. They are the immature LOSERS. Not the Christ-empowered victors.
When you’ve got a woman of faith trapped for several years in an emotionally and spiritually abusive marriage, you’ve got all the ingredients for a classic case of C-PTSD. Here’s why.
I propose we burn the terms “complementarian” and “egalitarian” and replace them with something simpler and more self-explanatory. Here’s why.
Where does all that anger come from? What can we do about it? What does the process of forgiveness actually look like? And how can we put it all together so we can really FLY FREE?
Get the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, recommended by therapists. That chapter will help you figure out what’s going on in your marriage.