Search Results for: spiritual abuse – Page 23

The Crazy Things Your Pastor or Bible Counselor Told You to Do In Your Abusive Relationship

The Crazy Things Your Pastor or Bible Counselor Told You to Do In Your Abusive Relationship

I recently asked the following question on my Flying Free public Facebook page:

“What’s the craziest thing a pastor, Bible counselor, or church leader told you to do in your abusive relationship?”

Within eight hours there were over 180 comments.

That question struck a nerve.

These women lived out their prime years within prison cells built on these lies. Each lie a thick, unbending iron bar.

I’d like to share a few of the answers here, and then I’m going to tear down some of the most prevalent ones.

How to Know if Your Marriage Crosses the Line From Normal to Abusive

How to Know if Your Christian Marriage Crosses the Line From Normal to Abusive

Emotional abuse is particularly rampant because it flies under the radar and is hard to prove. Women in emotionally abusive relationships can be significantly affected by a simple glance, gesture, or slight change in the tone of voice of her abuser—things that would never be noticed by anyone standing near. Even if you did point it out, others wouldn’t believe it was abusive, not knowing the inside, chronic history of the couple.

Complementarian vs. Egalitarian

Complementarian vs. Egalitarian

I propose we burn the terms “complementarian” and “egalitarian” and replace them with something simpler and more self-explanatory. Here’s why.
