Search Results for: spiritual abuse – Page 3

12 Life-Changing Beliefs That Will Unhook You From Abuse Part Three

12 Life-Changing Beliefs That Will Unhook You From Abuse Part Three [Episode 183]

Life after abuse can feel like you’re just spinning your wheels. You struggle with the same things. The same thoughts. The same downward spirals. Over and over and over.

Flying Free is all about breaking out of harmful cycles, in and after abusive relationships. If you want to see this in action, Amie is a poster child for life beyond abuse: healing, thriving, and constantly growing.

Our discussion was so powerful, her story so incredible, the amazing freedom she’s experienced so inspiring, that we talked for two hours. There was no way I was going to cut a single minute from the recording, so I broke it into three episodes.

This series catalogs her thought transformations, from old to new, across the most important aspects of her life, the parts that were hit the hardest by spiritual and emotional abuse. So if you’re feeling stuck, defeated, or just plain frustrated as heck in your recovery process, this is one of the greatest freebies you’ll come across.

How You and Your Faith Community Got Hoodwinked by an Abuser

How You and Your Faith Community Got Hoodwinked by an Abuser [Episode 177]

Do you wonder how he did it?

How your abuser tricked you and blindfolded your church? How he just keeps coming out on top, despite all the evidence pointing to what a sick, twisted, evil person he is?

Abuse doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It always involves the community. In this case: the church.

Wade Mullen staked his Ph.D. on the study of the hidden tactics of abuse, especially spiritual abuse within religious communities.

What he found were patterns of behavior. The slow and steady set-up for abuse to become a system, a system to become a theology, and a theology to become god.

Imagine with me: A relationship within a community where all the red flags (manipulation, lying, criticism) are called green flags and all the green flags (truth-telling, boundaries, self-respect) are called red flags.

It’s the heist of the century. And it’s working all too well.

Doing Deep Internal Healing Through Spiritual Process Groups

Doing Deep Internal Healing Through Spiritual Process Groups [Episode 144]

“I’ll never heal.”

Has that thought ever crossed your mind?

There’s too much pain. Too much trauma stored in your body. Too many horrible memories trapped in your mind. It’s an ocean to cross, and you’re just treading water.

You need deep internal healing.

In this episode, learn how to plunge into the depths of your most profound anguish productively and safely.

How to Achieve Financial Independence After Abuse

How to Achieve Financial Independence After Abuse [Episode 140]

Do you picture yourself and your children begging on the streets if you dare to leave?

Are you overwhelmed at the thought of making ends meet as a single mom?

Do you wonder how you’ll pay for groceries, much less legal fees, if you escape?

One of the biggest fears for women in abusive marriages is that they won’t survive financially.

And it’s a fear based on a lot of truth.

But it’s not the final say.

Hear from a woman who’s been there, done, and literally wrote a book on it. So don’t turn back.

How Pretending and Fear Keep You Stuck in Abuse Cycles (and What Sets You Free)

How Pretending and Fear Keep You Stuck in Abuse Cycles (and What Sets You Free) [Episode 125]

Abusers are terrified. They mask their fear with rage, manipulation, false piety, and good ole-fashioned bullying.

If they’re actually weak, scared babies, how are they so powerful and unchecked in churches (and in marriages)?

Because you’re afraid too. And you’re also really good at pretending. All while being destroyed.

It doesn’t have to be this way anymore, and I can show you how…to fly free.
