Search Results for: spiritual abuse – Page 7

What is Covert Emotional Domestic Abuse?

Covert Emotional Abuse: What It Is and How to Identify It

Learn what covert emotional domestic abuse is, how it dehumanizes women and children, who participates in its propagation, why it is rampant in certain religious circles, what the cultural consequences are, and what we can and must do to expose and stop it.

What One Year Can Do in the Life of a Woman

What One Year Can Do in the Life of a Woman [Episode 308]

In today’s episode, I reflect on the incredible transformations that can happen in just one year. (That’s not a very long time, when you think about it! I feel like every January, I blink, and it’s December!)
Through powerful testimonials from Christian women, I highlight the courage, growth, and healing that come in just one year of taking intentional steps to break free from abuse, rebuild a life of freedom, and pursue self-development.
Discover how these women overcame fear, anxiety, and self-doubt to embrace healing, reclaim their identities, and create lives full of purpose and joy. Whether you’re navigating the complexities of divorce, overcoming spiritual abuse, or simply seeking personal growth, this episode will encourage you to imagine your own transformation in the coming year.

When You've Been Hurt by Church

When You’ve Been Hurt by Church [Episode 295]

Amy Byrd, a well-loved guest of the Flying Free Podcast, is back again to tell us the story behind her newest book, The Hope in Our Scars. It’s not a pretty present of a book, wrapped in neat paper and topped with a bow. It’s real, it’s raw, and it’s full of beauty, and that’s exactly what this conversation is as well.

Amy went through some unfathomable spiritual abuse and says, “That’s what led me to write The Hope in Our Scars because I did find Christ intimately present with me through this.” We hope you’ll be able to find hope and Christ in this conversation, too.

What Is C-PTSD, and Do I Have It? Is It Me?

What Is C-PTSD, and Do I Have It? Is It Me? [Episode 289]

“Do I have C-PTSD? Surely not—it’s not like I was a prisoner of war or something.”

If you’re a victim of emotional abuse, you very well could have C-PTSD. In today’s episode, I want to introduce you to C-PTSD, how emotional and spiritual abuse can cause C-PTSD, what the symptoms are, and some practical ways that you can move forward and heal if you determine that you do have C-PTSD. I also want to debunk the theory that many emotional abusers have that their victims have Borderline Personality Disorder. Let’s dive in, shall we?

Doesn't the Bible Say to Remove the Log From Your Own Eye?

Doesn’t the Bible Say to Remove the Log From Your Own Eye? [Episode 260]

Have you ever been told to, “first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will be able to see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye” in regards to your emotionally abusive marriage? That passage of the Bible is often used to mutualize the sin of the abuser and his victim. This is called sin-leveling, and it’s a form of spiritual abuse.

Karen McMahon is here to show us how to take back the meaning of these verses to empower and strengthen ourselves.

A Groundbreaking Therapy that Fosters Healing and Connection with Self, God, and Others: Interview with Jenna Riemersma

A Groundbreaking Therapy that Fosters Healing and Connection with Self, God, and Others: Interview with Jenna Riemersma [Episode 209]

Learn about one of the fastest growing and most effective healing modalities in the therapy world right now—and how it can change YOUR life!

Internal Family Systems (IFS for short) may change the way you think about yourself, God, others, and your whole life (in a good way!)

Professional therapist Jenna Riemersma and I talk about IFS, how it ties into our faith, where we can find IFS in the Bible, and why IFS can be incredibly helpful as we learn how to break free and move forward from emotional and spiritual abuse. IFS changed the trajectory of Jenna’s life, and it can do the same for you.

If you are looking for healing, a deeper connection with God, a deeper connection with yourself, and a deeper love for yourself, this episode is for you. Let’s learn more about ourselves, others, and God as we explore the precious “family” that lives inside of us.
