Search Results for: spiritual abuse – Page 8

Why Don't I Feel Close to God? Interview with Krispin Mayfield

Why Don’t I Feel Close to God? Interview with Krispin Mayfield [Episode 198]

Learning about emotional and spiritual abuse is dangerous.

You start to see patterns in your marriage, your family, your friendships, your church…and your faith. You start to understand why God often doesn’t feel safe. Why you feel like a constant disappointment. A regular failure. A busted, broken, rejection-worthy woman.

You were taught that God is love…

And that God wants (and demands) perfection. That he loves you IN SPITE of you. That he has to look at Jesus to accept you. That negative emotions are a sign you’re in sin. And a high self-esteem (not hating yourself) is a sign you’re in other sin. That you deserve punishment even when you’re giving 100% to please him.

There’s no winning…

…Until we explore the core of how we approach EVERY relationship in our lives: through attachment style.

What Are the Biblical Grounds for Divorce? (And Other Questions!)

What Are the Biblical Grounds for Divorce? (And Other Questions!) [Episode 156]

Are you confused over whether you have legitimate grounds for divorce?

How should you respond to people who claim you’re cynical and oversensitive when you try to speak against emotional and spiritual abuse?

What’s the best way to handle family members, especially children, who think you’re the bad guy in your abusive marriage?

What if you’re separated but you just aren’t ready to divorce…and the clock keeps ticking?

Limbo is a fun party game…and a lousy place to live. So let me offer some advice that will break you out of the ruts these difficult questions might have you stuck in.

Where Does God Fit Into My Toxic Marriage?

Where Does God Fit Into My Toxic Marriage?

Emotional abuse that involved another person using God or His Word as a weapon of control is also called SPIRITUAL ABUSE, and this type of abuse is horrific in its potential to destroy one’s faith in God.
