Seven Deal Breakers in Christian Dating Relationships
Here are seven indicators that the guy you’re dating is a Christian narcissist, and your relationship is toxic.
Here are seven indicators that the guy you’re dating is a Christian narcissist, and your relationship is toxic.
If your partner won’t take responsibility for his behavior but denies, justifies, and blame shifts, you are being emotionally abused.
What if your desire to avoid hurting anyone is actually the reason you ARE hurting them? What if you’re actually hurting YOURSELF by living out this desire too?
Boundaries don’t hurt others, despite the loud voices that tell you otherwise. Healthy boundaries aren’t meant to control other people, ensure they think well of you, or make you into a prickly cactus no one can approach. They’re a way of living your truest self and your highest calling, while honoring the personhood of everyone around you.
Part of growing up into your full stature of healthy emotional adulthood involves this important work of setting boundaries.
The Bible calls emotional abusers FOOLS. Find out just how accurately the Bible has your own abuser pegged.
Do you know what stands between a caterpillar and her butterfly destiny? A PERSONAL metamorphosis that involves a whole lot of mushy yuck.
In this article I’ll tell you what works and what doesn’t when it comes to healing from emotional abuse.
Get the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, recommended by therapists. That chapter will help you figure out what’s going on in your marriage.