Is It Rebellious for Christian Women to Say No? [Episode 71]
Are you a card-carrying member of the People-Pleaser’s Club? Here’s how and why the skill of saying “no” can set you free.
Are you a card-carrying member of the People-Pleaser’s Club? Here’s how and why the skill of saying “no” can set you free.
If you’ve ever been pregnant and had a baby, you can understand what it takes for an emotional abuse survivor to leave her abusive relationship.
What happens when a victim finally gets up the nerve to expose her abuser? She gets put on the rack and grilled. Here’s how her abuser pulls this off.
A reader asks, “I want to be loving and gentle. But how do you do that and yet also not let yourself be manipulated or taken advantage of?”
Let’s talk about that.
In spite of numerous red flags, Kary married her abusive partner when she was very young. After over two decades, she was able to save some money and get out. Now she shares some insight into what made her stay for so long and what she would do differently if she had a do-over.
When I was living in the thick of emotional abuse, I just wanted to be rescued. Where was my rescuer? Why didn’t God rescue me? Why didn’t someone get me out? After twenty years I discovered who was appointed to rescue me.
Get the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, recommended by therapists. That chapter will help you figure out what’s going on in your marriage.