Category: Flying Free Podcast

The Food Fight Inside Us: Sneak Peek Into My New Book Part Two

The Food Fight Inside Us: Sneak Peek Into My New Book Part Two [Episode 237]

I’m finishing up a new book chronicling my relationship with God through years of spiritual lies and emotional abuse. Today I’m sharing a little bit of part two, this time written from the perspectives of different parts of me during my adult years. You’ll meet Freaked, Rosie, Melancholy, Rude, and more. If you’ve ever felt like part of you believes one thing and another part of you believes something completely different, rest assured, you aren’t alone!

We All Need an Empathetic Witness: Sneak Peek Into My New Book Part One

We All Need an Empathetic Witness: Sneak Peek Into My New Book Part One [Episode 236]

I’m finishing up a new book chronicling my relationship with God through years of spiritual lies and emotional abuse. Today, I’m sharing a little bit of part one, written from the perspective of little Natalie.

Grab a cup of tea and a blanket, and snuggle in to listen to this little girl’s experience. You might even hear your own inner child trying to tell you something important.

Bad Advice Christians Offer Emotional Abuse Victims

Bad Advice Christians Offer Emotional Abuse Victims [Episode 235]

You’ve probably read countless books and articles about marriage, how to be a good Christian wife, but if you’re in an abusive marriage, I’m here to tell you that these reading materials probably don’t apply to you. Many of the authors writing them don’t have any knowledge regarding abuse in Christian marriages, so there are no caveats, exceptions, or words for those women who are struggling with an abusive spouse.

In today’s episode, I take apart an article on marriage that I recently read to prove my point that these articles really are not made for women who are dealing with an emotional abuser. The article may be applicable for a woman in a normal, run-of-the-mill Christian marriage, but for those of you who don’t find yourselves in a marriage like that, this article is probably not going to be for you. Let’s talk about why.

A Story About Letting Go

A Story About Letting Go [Episode 234]

“Till death do us part.” Those words haunt you.

The enemy was supposed to be outside your home and family. Easy to see. Protection just a prayer or a locked door away. 

But the one stealing from and killing and destroying you is the one you lie beside at night. The one you promised your forever to.

And he’s counting on it.

Raising Resilient Kids Even if Your Co-parent Is Destructive: Interview with Jessica Nagy

Raising Resilient Kids Even if Your Co-parent Is Destructive: Interview with Jessica Nagy [Episode 233]

Jessica Nagy is joining us today to talk about how to raise children to be resilient, even when their dad is destructive. No matter if your kids are spending time alone with their dad at his house because you are separated or divorced or if they are spending time with their dad while you are present, there is a lot of trauma that comes with having an emotionally abusive dad, and we as moms need to know how to help our kids become resilient in the face of this trauma.

In this episode, you will learn about co-regulation (you can regulate yourself right alongside your kids!), practical techniques to help your kids regulate their emotions and develop resilience, find out how to download a free PDF with even more resources, and more. If you are a mother who is also a survivor of emotional abuse, this episode is just for you.

Dealing with Grief When Waking up to Emotional Abuse

Dealing With Grief When Waking up to Emotional Abuse [Episode 232]

In today’s episode, we are going to be talking about the deep sadness that survivors experience as they begin to wake up to their reality and see the truth about their relationship. I get it — I was there. It took me a while to truly wake up to my reality, and when I did, that reality hit me like a ton of bricks. It was painful.

Let’s talk about noticing and normalizing our pain so that we can move from grief a bit more quickly than if we just stuffed it down, ignoring it and drowning it out. We all have pain — the question is, how are you going to deal with yours?
