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Category: Healing from Spiritual Abuse

How Do I Know if My Church is Spiritually Abusive?

How Do I Know if My Church is Spiritually Abusive? [Episode 5]

Emotional abuse survivors often face spiritual abuse in their churches when they go forward to get help. Why is this? And what can women who have suffered this secondary abuse do to recover and heal? Natalie interviews pastor Jimmy Hinton for some insight into this tragic problem.

Is Suffering Really One of God's Purpose's in marriage?

Is Suffering One of God’s Purposes in Marriage? [Episode 4]

In this episode, Rachel and I discuss the suffering wife. Is suffering one of God’s purposes in marriage? And does an emotionally and spiritually abusive marriage reflect the relationship between Christ and His bride, the Church? (A transcript is available for those who would prefer to read rather than listen.)

How Complementarianism Causes Abuse in Churches and Homes

How Complementarianism Causes Abuse in Churches and Homes

There is a cancer growing unseen and silent in the Church. It has embedded itself so strongly in the fabric of the church that many Christians believe it is part of the church itself. That without it, the church would be destroyed from the inside out.

But the opposite is true. This cancer is telling a lie about God (blaspheming), destroying the children of God, and creating a huge barrier in the spread of the gospel.

How Fake Christianity (False Piety) Destroys People's Lives

How Fake Christianity (False Piety) Destroys People’s Lives

False piety is the voice of the enemy (I Peter 5:8). The accuser (Rev. 12:10). The liar (John 8:44). It’s anti-Christ (John 2:18). It’s darkness disguised as an angel of light (II Cor. 11:14). It’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing (Matt. 7:15). Because it does its dirty work in disguise, it gets away with all kinds of mischief. It counts on us being too naive to recognize it or too unsure or “nice” to call it out for what it is. But that’s exactly what we’re going to do today.
