How Do I Trust God with My Kids?
Did your kids have a front row seat to abuse of some kind? Picking up the pieces is a daunting task. Let’s talk about that.
Did your kids have a front row seat to abuse of some kind? Picking up the pieces is a daunting task. Let’s talk about that.
How can the church help abuse victims instead of revictimizing them? Interview with Megan Cox, founder of Give Her Wings.
In this interview with Patrick Doyle, we learn how to cope with the betrayal that occurs when women of faith stand up against abuse in their homes.
When a hurting woman finally puts herself in the vulnerable position of reaching out for help from her church, she often experiences one of the most egregious, shocking, and damaging phases of her journey: rejection and vilification from her church family.
Women of faith in emotionally and spiritually abusive relationships have been bruised by Bible bombs over and over again. Religious abusers love to use the Bible as a weapon of control. As we walk through the healing process, how do we learn to love the Bible again?
Three women of faith who have survived emotional and spiritual abuse share their experiences learning how to go from crawling to flying with the help of the private education and support group, Flying Free.
Get the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, recommended by therapists. That chapter will help you figure out what’s going on in your marriage.