“Why do you keep bringing up the past?”
“You can’t have boundaries with me. You’re my wife.”
“You’re too sensitive.”
“I said I was sorry. You need to accept that. Let’s choose to have a good day now.”
“You think you’re so perfect.”
Do these phrases sound familiar? They certainly sound familiar to me. I want to show you some ways you can combat these words your abuser throws at you, even if you’re just combating them in your own mind. You don’t even have to say anything out loud (because we all know what happens when we try to reason with an abuser/fool). You can just say these phrases I’m going to teach you in your head, and that will be enough to give you the empowerment and strength you need!
But first, let’s check out a negative review I recently received *gasp* and look to Matthew 23 to help us figure out if this reviewer is on the right track…or not.