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Category: Healing from Spiritual Abuse

The Woman They Could Not Silence: Interview with Author Kate Moore

The Woman They Could Not Silence: Interview with Author Kate Moore [Episode 161]

Imagine a world where women are property.

Where they have no rights — not even to defend themselves against abuse or to claim ownership over their minds…to declare, for instance, that they are not insane. That they shouldn’t be held prisoner in an insane asylum because they disagreed with their husband.

That horrifying world you imagined? You’re living in it.

Of the countless women who’ve gone before you, Elizabeth Packard stands out as one who fought for the oppressed and the voiceless, for her relentless faith, and for freedom.

Her true, daring story has been dug from history, and you need to hear it. Because the impact of her life is still echoing today.

I interviewed award-winning author and champion of women, Kate Moore, to learn more about The Woman They Could Not Silence. I was on the edge of my seat, and you will be too.

How Do You Break the Cycle of Emotional and Spiritual Abuse?

How Do You Break the Cycle of Emotional and Spiritual Abuse? [Episode 157]

Hit it with a hammer.


If only it were that easy.

In reality, the cycle of emotional and spiritual abuse feels like a freight train rushing down the tracks of your everyday. An unstoppable force. And if you stand in its way, you’ll be run down. A sad little pancake beholden to the destructive patterns you’ve existed in since…who knows when.

My dear. You forgot about two things.

First: You can’t stop that train.

Second: You don’t need to stop that train to heal and be free and come into your power.

Remember the handle thingy on the side of the tracks, controlling the railroad switch?

Yup. Start there.

When You Lose Your Church Family

When You Lose Your Church Family

Have you suffered the debilitating loss of your church family? This can be a traumatic experience that takes a lifetime to process. Find out why, and how you can think about this in a way that empowers you to love more and experience peace in spite of the pain.

Rediscovering Your True Self After Toxic Relationships and Emotional Abuse

Rediscovering Your True Self After Toxic Relationships and Emotional Abuse [Episode 153]

Feeling like a moldy lemon?

Maybe you’re just an onion.

If you’ve escaped the horror of a destructive relationship, but you still feel numb, anxious, depressed, and like a steaming hot mess…it’s easy to believe that “being jacked up” is the new normal. And your whole identity.

It’s not. In fact, what you’re searching for is closer than you can believe:

You’re still a whole person. Your true self isn’t lost. Your body is actually trying to help you heal. The best of you is still there.

But some of these things are covered by layers. Like an onion.

Coatings of trauma. Blankets of pain. Wrappings of core wounds. Cocooned lies.

Want to know how to find that sweet little onion core again? Sara Richmond and I explore this very question.

Making Health and Fitness Easier for Survivors

Making Health and Fitness Easier for Survivors [Episode 151]

There’s a reason why people say all abuse is physical abuse. Emotional abuse is a double whammy, destroying your mind and your body.

Long after the abuse stops, you’re still dealing with the fallout.

It can feel like your body has failed you. Like you’re permanently broken. It can feel hopeless and frustrating.

So how do you regain your health and fitness in the aftermath of abuse?

Kylar has a unique approach, one of endless compassion, wisdom, and empathy. Because he’s been there too. And it works. Now he’s healthy and strong, from the inside out and helping others just like you.

Changing Your Role (Chapter Eight of Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage) Part Two

Changing Your Role (Chapter Eight of Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage) Part Two [Episode 147]

If you’re like me, you were set up for your abusive marriage in the name of love.

You thought people were teaching you godly womanhood and wisdom.

You thought following the rules meant you’d experience bliss and peace in marriage.

You thought you were honoring God by letting people harm you.

But you were really just betraying yourself and holding the doors open for your own destruction.

So if you’re ready to change your role, this is for you.

If you’re ready to experience real, lasting change, this is for you.

If you played the part and followed the rules and were the poster child for humility, long-suffering, and submission, but everything came crashing down anyway, THIS IS FOR YOU.
