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Author: Natalie Hoffman

The Big Problem with Christian Marriage Counseling

The Big Problem with Christian Marriage Counseling [Episode 123]

In other words, love lets evil do whatever it wants, pretends nothing’s happened, and calls a prison a palace. Right?
This is the kind of “biblical” message Christian counselors often tout. And it’s killing women and children, whether all at once or piece by precious piece. If you’ve been hurt by “love,” especially when you were desperate for help and safety, you’ve got an advocate in Cindy Burrell.

Is it Possible to Stay Well in an Abusive Marriage?

Is it Possible to Stay Well in an Abusive Marriage? [Episode 122]

You’ve got two options and you HATE them both. You know you’re married to an abuser, but you DON’T want a divorce. So…you’re staying.

But will you be consumed by your husband’s reckless hate? Can you and Jesus be enough in the years to come? Will healing happen in the midst of destruction? Can you survive staying married and, what’s more, thrive? Is it even possible to stay well in an abusive marriage?

How do I find my personal style after years of emotional abuse?

Finding Your Personal Style After Years of Emotional Abuse [Episode 121]

Recovering from abuse isn’t just about healing the inside, it’s about manifesting life on the outside. You were created to embody beauty and appreciate it — in your smile, with your clothes, your hair style, even the makeup you choose to wear — and Jill Swanson is an expert in helping women do just that.
