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Category: Learning

What You Can Do When Your Christian Husband Bullies You Part One

What You Can Do When Your Christian Husband Bullies You Part One [Episode 133]

You are married to a bully. If only he’d steal your lunch money or call you a dingus during math class and be done with it.

Instead, he makes everything into a torturous game with changing rules that benefit one person. Himself. On the really bad days, you want to learn karate and get featured on the evening news.

Take heart, sweet potato. There’s a better way.

I’ve graphed his sleazy points and made a road map for dealing with his shenanigans.

Fair warning: It’s gonna take guts but it will be well worth it. And you won’t even need karate.

Survivor Story: Marie

Survivor Story: Marie [Episode 132]

The length of your marriage. You’ll never forget it. 3 years of holes in the wall. 9 years of sleepless nights. 17 years of pleading. 25 years of silence. 43 years of lowering your standards again and again and again.

While the past can’t be changed, and that time is set, your recovery is NOT. It has NO LIMIT. It has NO TIMELINE.

The depth of your pain and suffering do not outweigh your ability to heal. It all comes down to whether you want it.

The evidence?

Women like Marie. She found healing and transformation in community—one that’s available to you.

What I Would Preach to the Modern Day Preachers (if they would listen...)

What I Would Preach to the Modern Day Preachers (if they would listen…) [Episode 131]

Have you ever talked to people who weren’t there? Imagined conversations in your head? Perfected your argument while showering or lying in bed?

I did that…and made it into a podcast.

But this conversation isn’t with just one person. It’s with tens of thousands of people. Pastors.

Because the survivor community knows the price of patriarchy in the church. We know the cost of being controlled. We know the damage of being devalued. And pastors NEED to KNOW this too.

What You Need to Know When You Leave

What You Need to Know When You Leave [Episode 130]

Your marriage was like a jigsaw puzzle. A big, confusing, fragmented mess.

Once you found the “abuse” piece, everything fell into place.

But are you prepared for what happens when you leave? Cause the gloves come off and the rulebook gets tossed out the window.

From two women who’ve been there and who’ve heard countless stories of the same, here’s the cheat sheet for what you need to know when you get out.

Is the Cost to Leave an Abusive Marriage Worth It?

Is the Cost to Leave an Abusive Marriage Worth It? [Episode 128]

Why are you staying in your abusive marriage?

For many women, the price to get free seems too high. They fear destitution, losing their children, revenge by their husband, more trauma and heartache, a scarlet “D” on their chests, the legal hassle…the list goes on.

These are real, valid fears. And terribly high, but prevalent, costs. Which raise the question: Is it worth it?

Amie experienced all of these things and more to get out. Listen to her story and decide for yourself.
