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Category: Learning

How Can I Be a Good Mom in an Emotionally Abusive Marriage?

How Can I Be a Good Mom in an Emotionally Abusive Marriage? [Episode 252]

If you’ve ever flown on a plane, you know that in case of emergency, the flight attendants always tell you to put on your own oxygen mask first before you help your kids put on theirs. Healing is the same way. We can’t help our kids heal until we heal ourselves. If we stay stuck, our kids are going to suffer right along with us.

You get the opportunity to be your kids’ biggest hero, support, and safe space. But you have to be YOUR biggest hero, support, and safe space first. Let’s learn how—together.

The shoe always drops

The Shoe Always Drops

Here’s what I tell myself when I get anxious, can’t enjoy the moment, and I think I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop…

How to Tell Your Kids You're Getting Divorced

How to Tell Your Kids You’re Getting Divorced [Episode 247]

“How in the world am I going to tell my kids that we’re getting divorced?” Kids + divorce = a tricky topic, but I want to help calm your fears. I want to show you some questions you can ask yourself as you contemplate this big conversation with your children, and let’s give you some practical ideas as you introduce this new change in all of your lives.

What to Do When Our Kids Disapprove of Us

What to Do When Our Kids Disapprove of Us [Episode 241]

Our relationships with our kids are important to us. We raised them from little babies and have deep connections with them, but when those relationships crumble, it can be devastating. Let’s answer some difficult questions about relationships with our kids and how we can navigate through them when our children disapprove of us and our decisions.

Bad Advice Christians Offer Emotional Abuse Victims

Bad Advice Christians Offer Emotional Abuse Victims [Episode 235]

You’ve probably read countless books and articles about marriage, how to be a good Christian wife, but if you’re in an abusive marriage, I’m here to tell you that these reading materials probably don’t apply to you. Many of the authors writing them don’t have any knowledge regarding abuse in Christian marriages, so there are no caveats, exceptions, or words for those women who are struggling with an abusive spouse.

In today’s episode, I take apart an article on marriage that I recently read to prove my point that these articles really are not made for women who are dealing with an emotional abuser. The article may be applicable for a woman in a normal, run-of-the-mill Christian marriage, but for those of you who don’t find yourselves in a marriage like that, this article is probably not going to be for you. Let’s talk about why.
