I Can’t Stop Hoping He Will Change His Abusive Behavior [Episode 39]
Why do you feel an addictive bond to your partner in spite of how he abuses you? We talk about intermittent reinforcement and how that plays a role in abuse.
Why do you feel an addictive bond to your partner in spite of how he abuses you? We talk about intermittent reinforcement and how that plays a role in abuse.
In this interview with executive director of ARMS, Stacey Womack, we talk about how survivors are often starved for affection. They’ve been told they aren’t worth much, and others have not only NOT loved survivors well, but they have actually sucked survivors dry. This leaves them emotionally emaciated. What do they need to be nourished with affection again?
Conflict is part of every relationship. So how do you know the conflict you’re experiencing is destructive? Rachel and Natalie talk about identifying abuse in the back and forth drama of being treated “nice” one day and poorly the next.
Come learn a game especially designed for adults who have to deal with children in adult bodies on a regular basis.
In this interview with professional therapist, author, and speaker, Judy Herman, you’ll find out how relationship patterns in your family of origin affect you as an adult. You’ll also get some tools to help you move past destructive patterns into a healthier future.
Natalie and Rachel answer two listener questions. 1. Help! I’m divorced and I don’t want to be single forever! 2. Yikes! My husband says I’m the narcissist! What if he is right? We want to set your fears to rest in this episode!
Get the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, recommended by therapists. That chapter will help you figure out what’s going on in your marriage.
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