Category: Emotional Abuse

What Is C-PTSD, and Do I Have It? Is It Me?

What Is C-PTSD, and Do I Have It? Is It Me? [Episode 289]

“Do I have C-PTSD? Surely not—it’s not like I was a prisoner of war or something.”

If you’re a victim of emotional abuse, you very well could have C-PTSD. In today’s episode, I want to introduce you to C-PTSD, how emotional and spiritual abuse can cause C-PTSD, what the symptoms are, and some practical ways that you can move forward and heal if you determine that you do have C-PTSD. I also want to debunk the theory that many emotional abusers have that their victims have Borderline Personality Disorder. Let’s dive in, shall we?

Hard Relationships With Our Parents and Our Adult Kids

Hard Relationships With Our Parents and Our Adult Kids [Episode 288]

I’ve been busy doing all the things recently, so I wanted to give you all the inside scoop on what I’ve been up to. This includes going to an intense Personality Hacker conference, running a twelve-week coaching intensive, and helping women in the private forum (which is a part of the Flying Free program – we’d love to have you join us!) with some parenting quandaries.

Abusive Bible Counselors

Abusive Bible Counselors [Episode 287]

Have you ever dealt with a Bible counselor who just doesn’t get it? Or maybe an elder from your church? Or have you ever been excommunicated from your church? Sister, I’ve been through all of the above, and I write about bits and pieces of it in my newest book, All the Scary Little Gods.

In today’s episode, I’m going to read three chapters from my book, and they all have to do with the different counselors and elders I dealt with during my emotionally abusive marriage. Grab your favorite beverage, and let me bring you into my world as we explore what can happen when you get Bible counseling for your abusive marriage.

Confession, Repentance, and Guilt, OH MY!

Confession, Repentance, and Guilt, OH MY! [Episode 286]

Have you ever felt guilty about taking care of yourself?

“I don’t deserve to be taken care of, plus I have too many other responsibilities, how am I supposed to make time to take care of ME?!”

Let me help dismantle this belief and show you that you do deserve some self-care, and, in fact, need it.

I also received an interesting question in the Flying Free private forum about IFS (Internal Family Systems). This member wanted to know how she could accept and have compassion for her “bad” parts without ignoring sin in her life. Such a great question! Let’s dig in!

When the Abuse Survivor Has an Affair: Interview with Susan Estringel

When the Abuse Survivor Has an Affair: Interview with Susan Estringel [Episode 285]

One of our listeners submitted a heavy question asking about how long she has to let the abuse continue. The snagging point? She had an affair. So, what does one do if they have an affair while in an emotionally abusive relationship? Does that mean they now deserve to be in an abusive marriage until they die? What are their options, and how can we think about this?

Join my candid conversation with Susan Estringel, one of our coaches within the Flying Free program, as we untangle this situation and speak with compassion to those of you who have lived this reality.

God Doesn't Hate ALL Divorce

God Doesn’t Hate ALL Divorce [Episode 284]

“Does God really hate divorce? And why haven’t my years of praying brought any fruit?”

Abuse survivors ask me these two questions regularly, and today, I’m going to use Malachi 2:16 as well as a chapter from my newest book, All the Scary Little Gods, to answer them both. Beautiful butterfly, I pray this episode is an encouragement to you as you wrestle with these important topics.
