The Difference Between a Normal Marriage and an Emotionally Abusive Marriage [Episode 20]
In this episode, Rachel and Natalie compare and contrast their former marriages to emotionally abusive partners and their current relationships.
In this episode, Rachel and Natalie compare and contrast their former marriages to emotionally abusive partners and their current relationships.
What exactly is self-care, and why is it important? Is self-care selfish, as so many Christians seem to think? In this episode, Natalie talks with Sarah McDugal about why self-care is actually a sacred duty.
In today’s episode, Rachel and Natalie answer three questions from listeners: How do I forgive my abuser? How do I deal with the emotional pain of losing my marriage? Why do my older kids side with their abusive father?
A series exposing actual stupid things Christians say to women in abusive marriages. Today we look at two: “If you gave your husband more respect, he’d love you,” and “if you submitted to the authority of your church, you’d get the help you need.” Could someone hand me a bucket?
Can a Christian woman in an abusive relationship take action against the abuse? Or is it her duty before God to surrender to it?
After decades of dealing with your husband’s covert control, silent treatment, criticism, passive aggressive behavior, lies, and refusal to take responsibility for anything, you have made the terrifying decision to get out, and now you are on your own. Either your husband has left (and told everyone you abusively kicked him out) or he has forced you to leave (and told everyone that you have abusively abandoned him.) The smear campaign begins even while you begin the life-long process of picking up all the pieces. You have eight kids living at home. You get to pick up their pieces too.
Get the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, recommended by therapists. That chapter will help you figure out what’s going on in your marriage.